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Best Practices: Mastering the Digital Marketing Funnel

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While you’re probably familiar with the traditional sales funnel, are you an expert in the digital marketing funnel?

If not, don’t worry. Advisors who focus exclusively on moving prospects through the sales funnel can miss opportunities to build trust with them before that important first conversation.

But how do you facilitate these moments before you’ve even made contact?

Today’s investors are searching for information online before working with someone. So ask yourself these simple questions:

  • Can prospects find me online? If so, what do they see when they find me?
  • Do I have a social media presence that accurately represents my brand?
  • Is my website optimized to capture leads?

If the answer to any of these questions is not a resounding YES, you could benefit from using a digital marketing funnel to build awareness of your business.

So how can you attract the attention of prospects online?

Begin by providing value through content.

When prospects are looking for information and insight into their pain points, you want to be there with the content that shows you understand their challenges. Create a trail of high-quality content—like infographics, ebooks, articles, and blog posts—that leads back to your website.

Then target your communications to engage your prospects.

As you start to contact these prospects, consider sharing videos to address their needs, like the unique pain points of their demographic, or challenges facing their family.

Pro tip: Check out Advisor Branded Marketing Content Campaigns, which is built to address the specific pain points of a variety of demographics.

Close the loop with a call-to-action.

By widening your funnel and channeling prospects with targeted and relevant content, you showcase your value and build trust—making you a top choice when the time comes to choose a financial advisor.

Pro tip: By sharing content on your social media channels, you can extend your reach far beyond your current network. Sharing quality content is the ultimate way to increase your influence and expand your network. You can capture these prospects by driving traffic back to a targeted Lead Capture landing page.

Once you convert your prospect to a client, you can build on this foundation to provide a top-tier client experience with ongoing contact throughout their onboarding period.

Ready to get started?

Start building your plan following the tips above and your marketing content library. Not a Advisor Branded Marketing subscriber? Sign up for a demo of Advisor Branded Marketing to kick-start your digital marketing and client communications efforts.


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