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Creating Peace of Mind: The Art of Comprehensive Estate Planning

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Estate planning plays a crucial role in providing the reassurance that your clients’ assets are well-managed and protected and that their loved ones are taken care of. This comprehensive process extends beyond creating a will and requires meticulous attention to detail, strategic considerations, and well-informed decision-making to craft a comprehensive and effective estate plan tailored to your clients’ unique needs and goals.

Putting into Practice:

Imagine you are a seasoned estate planning attorney, and you’ve just received a call from a client named Sarah. Sarah is a successful entrepreneur in her mid-40s, who has built a thriving tech company over the past decade. She’s concerned about what will happen to her business and her family in the event of her unexpected demise. Setting up the proper estate planning within eMoney can put her anxiety about the future at ease.

To think through how to set up an Estate Plan in eMoney, for Sarah or for a client of your own, check out the resources below.

Additional Resources:

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