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New and Improved Riskalyze Integration

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As a centralized hub for all the technology platforms you use every day, we’re always exploring opportunities to increase the depth of each integration. That way, you finish more work in less time and can focus your efforts on clients.

With single sign-on access and the ability to import clients and risk questionnaires, Riskalyze has long been one of eMoney’s most popular integrations. Which is why we’re excited to announce new enhancements that will allow for a more seamless and simple experience.

Currently, Riskalyze users can import clients from Riskalyze. They can also sync clients’ risk numbers and risk questionnaires directly onto their eMoney Client Overview page. But, importing other client data from eMoney into Riskalyze requires a few extra manually-entered steps.

With our upcoming release later this month, our new enhancements allow you to easily export client accounts from eMoney to produce their current Risk Number. This Risk Number is then displayed on the Client Overview page with your client’s Risk Tolerance.

Insights into your clients’ Risk Tolerance versus their current Risk Number help you to understand when is the perfect time to start a conversation around your client’s current portfolio and cuts what was once a 10-step process into three simple steps.

Stay tuned for more information on our Riskalyze webinar where you can learn more about our upcoming enhancement.

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