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New Client Organizer Release FAQ

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In addition to all the positive feedback regarding the new client website Organizer, we’ve heard a few reoccurring questions. See below for answers to the most common questions we’ve received regarding the most recent product update.

What’s coming next to the client site?

Self-Registration is releasing next week. Coming soon to the New Client Experience, we’ll debut Client Tasking and Next Steps, a new automated Onboarding flow, and updated Client Goal Planning features. Click here for more details.

Is there a client facing slick for the New Organizer?

Yes! The new Organizer slick can be accessed, here. The main Client Site slick has also been updated and is available, here.

Have the user guides been updated?

Yes, the Client Site Organizer for Advisors has been updated to reflect the new client website Organizer. In addition, we’ve added a new client-facing user guide that details the new flow for adding client accounts. These user guides are located in the eMoney Knowledge Base under Resources.

Where is the Zillow widget?

The Zillow widget has been removed from the Fact Finder to comply with usage guidelines. It is still available in the Real Estate section of the client website.

Where can I find the Document Suggestions on the Client Site?

Document Suggestions will not appear on the Client Site until they have been set up by the Advisor.

In order to implement your Document Suggestions:

  1. Go to Settings on your Navigation Bar.
  2. Under Settings, you will find a Document Suggestions option under Fact Defaults.
  3. Once you have set up your Document Suggestions, go to the Client Site Organizer and click onto a person or thing and the suggested documents relating to that subject will appear.

Is a recording of the new release webinar available?

You can watch the new release webinar at any time through the eMoney blog post, here.

Where is Start Screen Sharing now?

The link to start screen sharing from the Client Site was moved to the links under Resources at the bottom left of the page.


Have a question not answered here? Call us at 888-362-8482 or Send us an Email

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