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Embrace Mobile Tech: Studies Show that Mobile is Important for Business

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Chances are you’re probably using a mobile device to read this article. If I’m right, it’s not because I’m a mind reader – it’s because you’re not alone. In the past ten years the United States has seen a huge boom in the use of mobile computing. Anyone who’s been to a sporting event or ridden public transportation recently can tell you that it seems like a majority of people have embraced mobile computing. Even still, the statistics behind this trend are staggering. According to a Pew Research Internet report:

  • 90% of American adults have a cell phone
  • 58% of American adults have a smart phone
  • 42% of American adults own a tablet computer
  • 60% of cell phone owners access the internet

The numbers speak for themselves and they’re telling us that this is no fad—it’s a legitimate trend that shows just how completely Americans have bought in to using mobile devices for web browsing. As with any new technological trend, it’s important to embrace the technology and put it to good use for your clients – and your practice. eMoney has made it as easy as it can be to put your clients’ complete financial picture right in the palm of their hand. We’ve optimized our Client Portal for mobile computing. That means your clients can expect a full-featured eMoney experience—including  updated account values, a transaction list, and access to the vault—from  their smartphone or tablet. Plus, eMoney’s mobile site is custom branded with your practice’s logo and contact information. With more than 91% of mobile users keeping their devices within three feet of them 24 hours a day, this amount of brand exposure is tremendous for your practice. Check out our website for more information on the mobile client site. If your clients want to know more about the mobile services you offer or if you simply want to explain to them the benefits of using eMoney on their mobile device, we’ve got you covered there as well with our mobile tipsheet. Americans have shown that mobile computing is here to stay. At eMoney Advisor we want to help you leverage mobile technology to provide a better experience for your clients, and our mobile site can do just that.

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