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#eMoneySummit15 Recap: Day Three

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Below is a recap of Day Three. Check out a recap of Day One and Day Two for more coverage.


The third, and final, day of the eMoney Advisor Summit got started with a bang. That bang? Our keynote speaker: Gary Vaynerchuk. And thanks to his unapologetic style, he changed the whole tone of the conference.

His speech was an avalanche of galvanizing one-liners and shrewd marketing advice. Speaking on what he calls, “The Thank You Economy,” he gave a no nonsense talk on what advisors need to do to market their value proposition in the fast paced world of the internet. And it ended with a roaring standing ovation.

With Gary V providing our advisors with the motivation to take on the world, we showed them how to do it in the ensuing What’s New with eMoney? session, where several eMoney experts hopped on stage and got everyone excited for eMoney’s past, present, and future product updates.

First, Rob Ross, our Head of Development, ran the audience through the new client experience that will focus on the emotional side of investing and more closely resemble the recent emX advisor site update. Next, Jessica Liberi, now famous for moderating the hugely popular Women’s Panel, took the stage to discuss everyone’s favorite emX interactive planning tools, the Decision Center and Distribution Center.

Then, our Product Manager Heather Blair, whose voice some advisors might recognize from our integration webinars, spoke about emX Select, where she introduced two of our integration partners: Riskalyze and MoneyGuidePro. While Riskalyze showed the powerful integrations options available through emX Select, MoneyGuidePro let fly some breaking news.

To conclude the morning, we turned the tables and gave eight of our advisors the opportunity to share with their peers how they found success using eMoney’s software during 15-minute Ted Talk-like sessions we called our Advisor Case Studies.

After lunch, things started back up again with the Partner/Sponsor Breakouts. With the option to choose between Orion, Albridge, Ebix SmartOffice, Riskalyze, FP Transitions, Envestnet, Digital Fortress, MoneyGuidePro, or nViso, advisors learned how these cutting-edge technologies can help them to stand out among their peers, improve their workflow and strengthen the breadth of advice they can provide their clients.

After the breakouts came the Next Generation Advisor Panel, hosted by a few of the best and brightest eMoney Advisors representing the “next gen” of our business—Brandon  Abe, Daniel Brady, and Perry Moore. They discussed how they meet the needs of their clients through innovation, the integration of technology, and other practices that help define their millennial generation.

In How to Take Your Business to the Next Level, well-recognized expert in financial planning and wealth management, Neal Slafsky reminded advisors how important it is to commit to one role in order to grow their businesses to their fullest potential. In other words, advisors can’t do more than one full time job, so they need to surround themselves with the right support people and resources in order to be most successful.

Ending the event with his closing remarks was our interim CEO, Mike Durbin. He addressed the changes (his presence being one of them) eMoney has seen over the past year and how those changes have done nothing to alter our commitment to remain your trusted partner. And he spoke to our vision for future, because while eMoney cannot be the same with its founder, the elements that made this company and our product great are the same: an unrelenting commitment to prioritizing and serving the needs of financial advisors.

Most notably however, he opened the floor to our advisors for an unfiltered question and answer session, which you can watch in its entirety when the full recap becomes available.

After three days of non-stop action, more than 50 different insightful and energetic speakers, 75 hours of personalized, one-on-one eMoney training, countless networking opportunities, more selfies than we’d all like to admit, and one very informative—and at times NSFW (thanks @garyvee!)—Twitter feed, the eMoney Advisor Summit has come to end.

A special thanks to everyone who helped make this great event possible. We hope you had as good of a time as we did, and we can’t with to see you all next year!

save the date summit 2016

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